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MullaneyVision: specialization in dream assembly

MullaneyVision Standards

This page ("Standards" located at ) is intended to communicate the direction of this website and to provide guidelines for business partners and personal homepage owners regarding acceptable usage.

To submit files to be included on or its affiliates (referenced in whole as ""), the submitter must agree to abide by these standards regarding content in the pages or their role in a greater effort. "MullaneyVision" refers to the business entity, its services and approach to business responsible for the maintenance of These Standards may be updated without notification; the posted copy will always be the Standards in effect at the time. This revision is dated December 2002.

The remaining sections of this page are divided between Subject Areas (a Table of Contents with quick links to each area) and the Details (where each area is described).

Subject Areas

  1. Privacy
  2. Minors
  3. Host Requirements
  4. Intellectual Property
  5. Respect
  6. Honesty
  7. Service
  8. Agreements


  1. Privacy

    MullaneyVision customers will choose whether or not to have direct links to their pages (if they choose to have a presence on If links are requested, anyone around the world is welcome and encouraged to visit their pages. If links are not requested, it is similar to having an unlisted phone number; you can always share the direct link with friends, and it is plausible that someone could stumble onto your site through a variety of non-standard means. You should never post information such as Social Security Numbers or credit card numbers on your website; the question of submitting such information to known providers over a secure (https) connection is an issue beyond the scope of these Standards.
  2. Minors

    Children under the age of 18 must have permission of a parent or legal guardian to own a webpage on MullaneyVision. Also parents are advised to consider very carefully how much information about their children they want to advertise on the Internet. These pages can be viewed by honorable and respectable people, but they can also be viewed by the most devious scoundrels in the world; see Privacy details.
  3. Host Requirements

    The service provider for has also stipulated a series of requirements for use of the service. These terms add more detail to the definition of respectable, honest use of the Internet. All of those details apply as a foundation to these Standards. See these links:
  4. Intellectual Property respects the Intellectual Property (IP) of others in the development and delivery of its content; MullaneyVision customers and visitors are expected to use similar discretion in use of web-related resources. Obviously, one must not take someone else's work and claim it as his own (or her own). Similarly, use of software or downloaded images, text, music, video or other resources must be consistent with the purposes intended by the rightful owner of the IP. Note that some websites require permission even to add links to their websites; any links to outside websites from MullaneyVision pages should be made known to the owners of those outside pages.
  5. Respect seeks to be known as a strong supporter of respect between individuals and organizations. Nothing on these pages should suggest slander or otherwise defame other individuals or organizations. If an internal or external dispute is to be documented on, all parties involved must be made aware of the information and allowed an opportunity to post an alternative view.

    It should be noted that the existence of information within does not imply MullaneyVision support, endorsement or agreement with the content; its existence within simply denotes consistency with the Standards described here. Some examples of material that do not meet these Standards are promotion of demonic activity, pornography, excessive pursuits of damaging behavior (such as drunkenness, violence, gambling).

  6. Honesty content reflects honest delivery of facts and opinions. False identities are not tolerated, unless the identity is clearly noted to be changed for the protection of the owner. Name similarity should not used to create a false impression.
  7. Service

    Postings within are intended to be useful to the owner and the intended audience. Content must not promote or distribute computer viruses or other destructive pursuits that could disable a viewer's computer, the host's servers or Internet service in general. Links should be maintained to minimize the wasted time of viewers attempting to follow those links.
  8. Agreements

    Partnership or service accounts with claim an intention to comply with these Standards. If any question arises about compliance with these pages, the issue should be identified to the responsible parties in a clear and respectable manner; a plan for resolution should be proposed, agreed upon and executed in a timely manner (usually within 30 days). If changes to these Standards may lead to such a challange, a reasonable effort must be made to alert the potentially impacted party as early as possible. If technical or business conditions exist such that terms of service may require change, those conditions must also be identified with a proposed change followed by agreement and delivery of service adjustment.